Hey readers, I know I haven't posted in a couple months and I wanted to let everyone know I haven't forgotten about my blog or anything, I simple got overwhelmed with school work. However school is over for this quarter so I finally have time to update, and my new quarter coming up will be less hectic (I hope). I am going to update at every weekend I PROMISE. If however classes become crazy I will at least let my readers know that I will be gone for a while. So now that everthing is explained, let me update whats been going on with my life.
First, school, classes were fun and a bit crazy. I had two different drawing classes and a photoshop class, I also had math but I dropped that because I had no idea what the fuck the teacher was trying to teach, we had a two hour class and she tried to teach four chapters in that amount of time. Also, she was Indian, and I totally have nothing against them, but her accent was sooo thick I had trouble understanding certain words. I finally got so frustrated that I dropped it. My drawing anatomy class was interesting, I never cared for the teacher though because he thought that drawing comic books was foolish or taboo. But I did learn some important things in his class. My visual indication class was very very fun, I learned alot of important things and I believe it improved my own drawings quite a bit. Photoshop was fun, but I just didn't really get into it. I like computers but I prefer to do my work on paper, if I ever use photoshop it would be to color things not making them.
Relationship wise, my life was pretty crazy. I attempted to go back with my ex boyfriend, Jeremy and it went well for about two days but then old stuff started happening again. My friend Mindy said I was crazy for doing it and she was right ha ha. After that though I found or thought I found the perfect man. His name was Kurt and I believed he was the one for me. He was punk, with a little green mo hawk and eyeliner and painted fingernails. ANYWAY, after spending an amazing two weeks together, were we spent all our time together and held hands and made out EVERYWHERE, he tells me "hes not ready for a relationship and we can be friends" of course, sooo after contemplating suicide I picked my self up (yes I realize it was only two weeks but I latched on too quickly and along with other stressors I kinda had a slight maybe kinda nervous breakdown). BUT after almost giving up hope I went onto the dating site I use (okcupid.com) and received a message from a guy named Zachariah Davis. Now from first looks he didn't look like my type but I don't know why something just compelled me to reply. After speaking for 3 hours online I knew something was different about this boy, and we met the next day at school HE GOES TO MY SCHOOL!!!!! We talked in the library then went to his dorm for lunch and both said almost at the same time "Let's be boyfriends!!" I could probably spend the rest of the night talking about him and how hes everything I've wanted and looked for but I'll try to be quick. ILOVEHIMANDHESAMAZINGANDPERFECTANDSTUNNINGANDSEXYANDFANASTICAND INTELLIGENTANDFUNNYANDGREATANDEVERYTHINGICOULDPOSSIBLYSAYANDILOVE
Well now that thats over with I'd just like say again that I shall be updating regularly now and I hope everyone enjoys future post and loves my work and see how its improved. Thanks everyone!