So I've started my drawing for story of how Tristan and The Baron meet. As for exact details of the story I'm not so clear on that. I've figured out the main bad guy but I'm still not clear on why they are bad and what their goal is. I'm thinking maybe the bad guy (Alexiaa) is trying to usurp The Baron's kingdom from him. I'm actually coming up with ideas while writing this entry.
Now the character Alexiaa is actually from a dream I had three days ago, in the dream she wore a white dress and had eyes in her shoulders, there were also eyes along her back, along with protruding spikes. But later in the dream the eyes on her spine disapeared and she grew six arms out of her back, each wielding weapons. Now normally I don't remember my dreams right after I wake up but luckily this one wasn't forgotten. I finished the drawing of her today and love it.
As for the story details, I will flesh them out tomorrow, but I would love to hear suggestions and ideas plus comments on my drawings, I hope everyone enjoys them.
Ahh! Knife-Lady is scary! D8