Monday, March 22, 2010

Monsters and "The Spikes"

Today I drew out some of the monsters that Alexiaa rules over in my new story. They include Vitherspawn, Enlayus, and Alessai. There are also a group of zombie type creatures known as "The Spikes".

OK, so these are the first three creatures I mentioned above, the Vitherspawn, Enlayus, and Alessai.

The Vitherspawn is the top most creature, the slug/worm type thing. This creature is completely blind, however is has extremely good hearing, and a great sense of taste. This creature slides along the ground while its tentacle like "tongues" move back in front in front of it, the feelers at the end can "taste" scents, and help it determine where it is going. They also act as the creatures form of defense, enstricting enemies and pulling them into its mouth to be devoured (or slowly digested alive since the creature has no teeth) or slamming enemies onto it back, where the tentacles there hold onto it, this comes in handy when enemies need to be taken back to Alexiaa.

The next creature, the one in the bottom right corner, is the Enlayus. This creature acts as Alexiaa's eyes. The mass amount of tentacle like arms allow it to cling to trees and walls to spy on enemies and everything else. It's "eyelashes" also act a protection from attack since this creature has no form of attack other than strangling enemies with its tentacles.

The final creature is the Alessai, otherwise known as the "living cage". This creature acts as a prison for the enemies of Alexiaa who are foolish enough to get close to it. This creature can move, but very slowly, it prefers to remain still, pretending to be a tree. When an enemy gets close it reels it in with its roots and vines, then closes its bar-like arms, trapping the being inside. The Alessai have a symbiotic relationship with the Vitherspawn and Enlayus, whenever it catches someone they both arrive, the Enlayus determines if the creature trapped inside is needed by Alexiaa, if not the Alessai absorbs nutrients from the trapped enemy, then throws out the left overs for the Vitherspawn to eat. If, however, the trapped being is need the living cage throws it out onto the Vitherspawn's back to be taken back to Alexiaa.

These creatures are known as "The Spike", Alexiaa's finest creations. They originally humans, but Alexiaa captured them and transformed them into zombie like versions. Now when I say zombie, I don't mean slow moving, clumsy zombie, I mean 28 Days Later crazy hyped up super zombie. They are mentally connected to Alexiaa so whatever they see, she sees. She can also control and send orders this way. The Spike males have really long claws and the females have crab-like claws and hoof-like feet. The woman are the more dangerous of the group because their midsections (the area where the line of spikes is in the drawing) actually split open acting as a second mouth used to decapitat and mutilate enemies. The men are extremely fast and strong making them tough enemies for Tristan and The Baron. None of The Spikes can speak and lack intelligence execpt for whatever orders their mistress gives them.

Well that's all for tonight, hope everyone likes my ideas for creatures.

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